
Winter 2022 (Volume 32, Number 4)

Transformation: CRA Education Committee Development

By Raheem B. Kherani, BSc (Pharm), MD, FRCPC, MHPE

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During my tenure as the CRA Education Committee chair, I have had the privilege to witness the transformation of our Education Committee from a group that met annually and was able to discuss education-related issues to a project-oriented group that meets regularly and has been able to advance the CRA’s educational mandate through its numerous projects and activities.

The Undergraduate subcommittee developed and led the foundation of a national undergraduate rheumatology curriculum that hopes to provide advice and guide medical schools with the delivery of rheumatology and musculoskeletal education. This is currently being prepared for publication. The committee is now working on other ways to promote the practice of rheumatology to medical students.

The Postgraduate subcommittee continues to support our rheumatology residents by developing tools to facilitate the delivery of a robust Educational Curriculum and Resources ( to support Program Directors in the delivery of the Royal College Competence By Design Framework (, which was launched in 2019. Their latest project is to design and develop a multi-disciplinary National Immunology Curriculum.

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) subcommittee has renewed its commitment ( to being a Royal College-Accredited CPD Provider ( with the growth of training material for reviewers within the team and active accreditation of internal and external rheumatology activities, providing reassurance for members regarding the quality of continuing professional development materials. The subcommittee has also taken strides to ensure members are educated about the opportunities within the Royal College Maintenance of Certification Program ( e). Over the last decade, there has been ongoing support for the Practice Reflection Award, just one of the projects aiming to help CRA members obtain valuable Section 3 credits.

In addition, the Education Committee supports important educational opportunities for members at all stages of their careers, including the annual Review Course, LEAdership Program (LEAP), Residents' Pre- Course, National Rheumatology Residents’ Curriculum (NRRC) events, national OSCE, and NWRITE exam for residents. We have been able to deliver 2 CRA COVID Webinar Series through the pandemic and provide input into CRA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) planning. For further information on any of these programs, visit

LEAP 2020-2022 cohort at their final meeting.

The committee continues to build on past development with ongoing opportunities for more interactive meetings, collaboration with a variety of CRA operational committees, and plans for ongoing transformative change as we transition to new leadership under Dr. Elizabeth Hazel. I invite members to continue to support her, in the way that you supported Education Committee initiatives during my term as Chair. It has certainly been a privilege to serve our national association and work with fantastic staff and volunteers. Merci pour cette opportunité!

"Team Education" at the 2022 virtual CRA ASM.

Raheem B Kherani, BSc (Pharm), MD, FRCPC, MHPE
Chair, CRA Education Committee (2017-2023)
Head, Division of Rheumatology, Richmond Hospital
Medical Lead, Intensive Collaborative Arthritis Program,
Mary Pack Arthritis Program
Clinical Associate Professor and Program Director,
Adult Rheumatology, UBC
Vancouver, British Columbia


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