
Winter (Volume 28, Number 4)

Update from the Abstract Selection Committee

By Vinod Chandran, MBBS, MD, DM, PhD

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The CRA abstract selection committee, stupendously aided by Virginia Hopkins, is in the thick of reviewing and selecting abstracts for posters and oral presentations. We have more than 250 abstracts submitted this year on topics ranging from basic to clinical and translational medicine, as well as education, quality improvement and health services research, submitted by students, residents, graduate trainees, academic and community rheumatologists and allied health professionals.

Our revitalized panel of reviewers have the satisfying and enviable task of scoring the abstracts, each abstract being scored by three reviewers. Their commitment to highlighting the best of rheumatology in Canada is deeply appreciated.

There will be two interactive poster sessions where attendees will be able to discuss posters with the presenters and be judged. There will also be two podium sessions, during which the top-ranked abstracts will be presented and judged. This year eleven awards are up for grabs, including:

  • Best Abstract on Quality Care Initiatives in Rheumatology
  • Best Abstract on Research by Young Faculty
  • Best Abstract on Pediatric Research by Young Faculty
  • Best Abstract on Basic Science Research by a Trainee
  • Best Abstract on Clinical or Epidemiology Research by a Trainee – Phil Rosen Award
  • Best Abstract on SLE Research by a Trainee – Ian Watson Award
  • Best Abstract by a Medical Student
  • Best Abstract by a Rheumatology Resident
  • Best Abstract by an Undergraduate Student
  • Best Abstract by a Post-Graduate Research Trainee
  • Best Abstract by a Rheumatology Post-Graduate Research Trainee

We look forward to seeing you all in Montreal!

Vinod Chandran MBBS, MD, DM, PhD
Chair, CRA Abstract Committee,
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of Rheumatology, University of Toronto
Affiliate Scientist, Krembil Research Institute,
University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
Adjunct Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
St. John’s, Newfoundland

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