
Winter 2024 (Volume 34, Number 4)

AMRQ in Negotiations:
Strengthening Rheumatology in Quebec and Preparing for the Future of Specialized Care

By Hugues Allard-Chamard, MD, PhD, FRCPC

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The Association des médecins rhumatologues du Québec (AMRQ) and the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ) are now entering a crucial phase of negotiations with provincial authorities, including discussions regarding fees for rheumatologists. Our goal is to ensure that the government commits to providing the necessary technical platforms to enable rheumatologists to realize their full potential and deliver quality care to our patients. In addition, we are pressing for the introduction of an arbitration clause to negotiate working conditions in the event of a conflict, ensuring fair and transparent processes for our members.

These negotiations, though complex, represent a decisive step towards improving the quality of rheumatology care in Quebec. We remain confident that our collective efforts will lead to significant results for the rheumatology community.

Following our annual meeting, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Josiane Bourré-Tessier has been awarded the AMRQ Merit Scholarship in recognition of her outstanding contributions to rheumatology. This distinction underscores Dr. Bourré-Tessier's commitment to advancing our discipline.

We are also pleased to inform you that the AMRQ now has a dynamic new Board of Directors, ready to work enthusiastically to meet current challenges and promote the advancement of our specialty. The Board will focus on improving access to care, promoting collaboration between professionals, and advancing research.

As we look back, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Frédéric Morin, our outgoing president, for his outstanding leadership and unwavering dedication to the AMRQ. Under his leadership, we have established a solid foundation to face the challenges and seize the opportunities ahead.

As we look ahead, we are confident that many of the projects initiated will come to life during my term in office. The AMRQ looks forward to the support and collaboration of its members as we strive to improve rheumatology care across Quebec. Together, we can make significant progress in our mission to provide the highest quality of care.

Hugues Allard-Chamard, MD, PhD, FRCPC
President, AMRQ


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