
Winter 2022 (Volume 32, Number 4)

Abstract Review Committee Update

By Marinka Twilt, MD, MScE, PhD; and Mohamed Osman, MD, PhD, FRCPC

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The abstracts have been submitted, and the CRA Abstract Review Committee has begun the hard work of reading and scoring the abstracts, ably supported by Virginia Hopkins (Manager, Research & Innovation). The committee selects the abstracts worthy of poster or podium presentation. Attendees will have the option of attending sessions in person or virtually. We are excited to see you in Quebec!

The Annual Scientific Meeting Committee, supported by Claire McGowan (Manager, Educational Programs and Events), has worked hard to retain the multiple opportunities the CRA & AHPA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) offers on an ongoing yearly basis. Our meeting continues to garner interest from researchers, clinicians, trainees and industry. This year, we received 180 abstract submissions. Each abstract will be scored by three reviewers, and the best in each category are chosen based on the average score; the chair will break any tie for a spot on the in-person poster tour and for podium presentations. Thank you to all of our reviewers!

There will be virtual poster tours during which the top-ranked abstracts will be presented. There will also be interactive in-person and virtual poster sessions where attendees will be able to discuss posters with the presenters. The top 5 abstracts in each award category will be judged during the poster session for the following awards:

  • Best Abstract on Quality Care Initiatives in Rheumatology
  • Best Abstract on Research by Young Faculty
  • Best Abstract on Pediatric Research by Young Faculty
  • Best Abstract on Basic Science Research by a Trainee
  • Best Abstract on Clinical or Epidemiology Research by a Trainee –
    Phil Rosen Award
  • Best Abstract on SLE Research by a Trainee – Ian Watson Award
  • Best Abstract by a Medical Student
  • Best Abstract by a Rheumatology Resident
  • Best Abstract by an Undergraduate Student
  • Best Abstract by a Post-Graduate Research Trainee
  • Best Abstract by a Rheumatology Post-Graduate Research Trainee
  • Best Abstract on Spondyloarthritis Research Award

We look forward to seeing you all during the in person (and virtual) CRA & AHPA ASM!

Marinka Twilt, MD, MScE, PhD
Chair, CRA Abstract Review Committee
Pediatric Rheumatologist, Clinician Scientist
Associate Professor,
Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta

Mohamed Osman, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Vice-Chair, CRA Abstract Review Committee
Clinician Scientist, Consultant
Rheumatologist and Immunologist
Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta


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