
Winter 2022 (Volume 32, Number 4)

News from SOAR

By Alexa Smith, MD, FRCPC, MEd

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Rheumatologists and allied health professionals from across the Atlantic provinces attended the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society of Atlantic Rheumatologists (SOAR) on June 24th–26th, 2022, at the beautiful Dalvay by the Sea on Prince Edward Island. The gathering offered outstanding education along with a welcome opportunity to reconnect in person with regional colleagues.

Dr. Christian Pagnoux (MD, MSc, MPH), an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Mount Sinai Hospital, delivered this year’s David Hawkins Lecture in Rheumatology entitled “Vasculitis in 2022: What are the Remaining Challenges?”He followed this with an engaging presentation called “Vasculitis Playground”.

The second speaker, Dr. Laura Cappelli, MD, MHS, MS, an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, presented on the evolving field of rheumatologic adverse effects of cancer immunotherapy. She started with an illuminating talk entitled “Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and the Rheumatologist” and then led us through the nuances of “Autoimmune Disease and Cancer: Many Intersections”.

Dalhousie University’s two rheumatology trainees, Drs. Nicole Beckett and Zach Shaffelburg, as well as incoming trainee Dr. Mary Purcell, presented three interesting case-based presentations which sparked thought-provoking discussions.

At the Business Meeting, the members voted unanimously to return to Dalvay by the Sea on Prince Edward Island again next year, June 23-25, 2023. Save the date!

Alexa Smith, MD, FRCPC, MEd
President, SOAR
Saint John, New Brunswick


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