Winter 2022 (Volume 32, Number 4)
AMRQ Update
By Frédéric Morin, MD
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Hope Springs Eternal. . .
Last year in this annual update from Quebec, I told
you about the possibility of thinking about a more
modern rheumatology practice integrated into a
model approved by the Quebec Ministry of Health and
Social Services. After much work and canvassing, we are
finally at the point of a needs analysis and the possible
introduction of a rheumatology practice support model.
It goes without saying that this model, if approved by the
highest authorities, will be sustainable and will, without
a doubt, improve access to and quality of care for our patients.
The Quebec rheumatology community is ready to
transform itself to serve the public better. We remain dependent
on the government and its political actions, and
it is with hope that we enter this process. Maybe in 2023,
I will be able to tell you that a supported practice for rheumatologists
in Quebec has been implemented.
The year 2022 was a time of great reunions with the
25th annual AMRQ conference. We really missed seeing
each other and talking about science and other things.
Better still, Quebec rheumatologists’ group spirit has
not died out — quite the opposite. This quarter-century
milestone allowed us to review the history of rheumatology
in Quebec with all of the AMRQ presidents in attendance:
Drs. Éric Rich, Michel Zummer, François Couture,
Denis Choquette, Frédéric Massicotte, Nathalie Langlais
and myself.
Also, it was quite an honour to have awarded the
2022 AMRQ Merit Award to Dr. Jean-Pierre Raynauld, a
rheumatologist recognized by his peers for his expertise,
his teaching skills, his contagious enthusiasm, and his
magnetism on the dance floor.
With the pandemic behind us to some extent, we all look
forward to seeing you again.
Frédéric Morin, MD
President, Association des médecins rhumatologues du Québec
Montreal, Quebec