Winter 2022 (Volume 32, Number 4)
Joint Count Survey Results:
The Quality Care Landscape Across
Canadian Rheumatology
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This issue’s Joint Count survey, in collaboration with
the CRA’s Quality Care subcommittee, sought to
find out what members feel to be the most significant
gaps in and barriers to the delivery of optimal care in
their practices. They were asked to consider the domains
of equity, access, quality, patient management, resource
stewardship/Choosing Wisely, telehealth and care transitions.
A total of 60 members from across the country
responded to the survey.
There were many gaps in and barriers to quality care
mentioned by members. Below is a list of some of the
most common issues that were brought up:
- lack of nurses and other allied healthcare
professionals (physiotherapists, occupational
therapists, etc.)
- access — long waitlists and very high volumes of
- geographic disparities in access
- shortage of rheumatologists and lack of primary care
- misuse/overuse of laboratory and imaging tests
- lack of financial assistance from the government
- inadequate information transfer from referring
- lack of interoperability between EMRs/EHRs
- lack of adequate mental health supports
- inadequate pain management
- administrative responsibilities
- pandemic impacts on support staff
- inability to obtain timely access to specific biologics
for pediatric patients
- access issues related to transitions from pediatric to
adult care
Regarding barriers, one respondent wrote: “Barrier:
Time — Patients now can access us via email (multiple
ways), phone and office, and seem to want same-day
answers for their questions. I have a great deal of difficulty
in doing this, despite working long hours. In the
relative absence of family physicians for many patients,
many of the issues raised by patients are not specifically
rheumatologic and this poses other challenges.
Another barrier: EMR — It takes way longer to do anything
and many tasks not required of physicians have
been downloaded. Technology — many of our older,
immigrant (English not a first language), or financially
less advantaged patients do not have ready access to or
are not comfortable with video platforms so although
this helps reach some communities, it is a barrier for
The second question asked members if they were engaged
in quality improvement (QI) work. Thirty-seven
percent responded affirmatively. Respondents were involved
through organizations such as the Canadian Early
Arthritis Cohort (CATCH); by sitting on committees
involved in reducing the number of unnecessary tests or
being involved with their local Choosing Wisely group
or sitting on committees that allocate funds to quality
QI initiatives or being involved in QI research. Some
are involved in EMR development, conducting chart reviews/
audits, or training nurses. Others mentioned being
involved in the Children’s Arthritis and Rheumatology
Research Alliance (CARRA), the Juvenile Dermatomyositis
(JDM) Quality of Care (QoC) committee, or the Pediatric
Rheumatology Care and Outcomes Improvement
Network (PR-COIN).
With a better understanding of the present quality care
landscape, the CRA Quality Care subcommittee can work
toward finding solutions and ways to improve the quality
of care. For any feedback regarding the survey, please
reach out to Sarah Webster at