
Winter 2022 (Volume 32, Number 4)

CRA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Task Force Update

By Nicole Johnson, MD, FRCPC

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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Continue To Be Leading Priorities of the Canadian Rheumatology Association

The CRA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Task Force has been working diligently to advance the CRA’s journey in EDI. We are pleased to announce that the Task Force has engaged an EDI consultant to co-facilitate with the Task Force in advancing EDI efforts throughout the organization. Amorell Saunders N’Daw will assist the group in focusing our initiatives in the short term to further embed EDI principles within the organization, and will aid in guiding our work towards a framework for a long-term EDI strategic plan for the organization. To learn more about Amorell Saunders N’Daw’s dynamic experiences and successful career, please visit the following link

The Task force members have been active with several educational offerings. One such activity was an introduction to EDI in the CRA LEAdership Program (LEAP) presentations. During the Annual Scientific Meeting taking place in February 2023, Task Force members are inviting you to attend our workshops on the principles of an inclusive education in rheumatology and on how to incorporate trauma-informed care into our clinical rheumatology practices.

Finally, look out for our periodic distribution of EDI resources through the President’s update. The Task Force also welcomes any feedback, comments, and ideas from our CRA members, so please reach out by emailing our coordinator, Erin Stewart at

CRA EDI Task Force Members:

  • Dr. Nicole Johnson, Chair
  • Dr. Aurore Fifi-Mah
  • Dr. Natasha Gakhal
  • Dr. Raphael Kraus
  • Dr. Manisha Mulgund
  • Dr. Trudy Taylor
  • Dr. Alan Zhou
  • EDI consultant: Amorell Saunders N’Daw
  • Administrative Support: Erin Stewart and Kevin Baijnauth

Members of the CRA EDI Task Force during their virtual meeting in October 2022.
From left to right, top row: Erin Stewart, Dr. Nicole Johnson, Dr. Raphael Kraus, and
Dr. Alan Zhou. Middle row: Dr. Trudy Taylor, Dr. Natasha Gakhal, Dr. Manisha Mulgund,
and Kevin Baijnauth. Bottom row: Dr. Aurore Fifi-Mah and Amorell Saunders N'Daw.


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