
Summer 2022 (Volume 32, Number 2)

RheumJeopardy 2022

By Philip A. Baer, MDCM, FRCPC, FACR

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For the seventh consecutive year, RheumJeopardy returned as a plenary session at the 2022 CRA ASM. The virtual format again required some adjustments to work on the HOPIN meeting platform, but the essence of the game experience was preserved. I moderated from my home office with the expert technical assistance of the team from MKEM. After a 0-0 tie in the 2021 edition, Dr. Alexandra Legge returned as Chair and scorekeeper. We maintained the traditional East versus West format, with Toronto the dividing line again this year. Our team captains were Dr. Valérie Leclair from Montreal and Dr. Alison Clifford from Edmonton. As in 2021, only the members of the team whose captain had selected a question voted on the answer, which had the effect of lowering the potential scores. The team captains selected the Final Jeopardy wagers and answered the Final Jeopardy question on their own.

The session drew a large audience of enthusiastic participants, with 299 meeting delegates participating live. After a practice question related to the worst Jeopardy score ever (-$7,400), 14 questions were selected in the main game. They proved to be challenging, but our teams were more than up to the task. Potpourri/COVID and Sight Diagnoses were the most popular categories. The CRA Education Committee contributed three questions on Competency by Design (CBD), and two were selected. One stumper related to the frequency of joint infection after steroid injections. The answer selected was 1 in 10,000, whereas the Danish study cited found an incidence of 1 in 1,250.

In honour of Dr. Simon Carette presenting the Dunlop- Dottridge Lecture on “Vasculitis: What Have We Learned in the Past 50 Years?”, four RheumJeopardy questions dealt with various types of vasculitis: giant cell arteritis (GCA), granulomatosis (GPA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) vasculitis and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.

At the end of the main Jeopardy round, the score favoured West with 5,200 over East with 3,700. Both captains broke with tradition, perhaps related to the score, and did not elect to wager everything on the Final Jeopardy question. The category was “WHO Award Winners”, rather than the traditional “Famous Canadian Rheumatologists.” In keeping with the meeting theme of “Towards Equity: Rheum for Everyone,” the question focused on women overlooked in scientific history. Rosalind Franklin, who played a key role in the discovery of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and Lise Meitner, who was a pioneer in nuclear fission, were potential answer choices. However, the correct answer was Henrietta Lacks, whose cervical cancer cells were used without her permission to develop the HeLa line of immortalized cells which have been used for 70 years in scientific research, and whose unauthorized use remains the subject of current lawsuits.

That question stumped both team captains. East had wagered 66% of their score, while West with the lead had wagered only 33%. That left West as the winning team with 3,467 versus East’s score of 1,267. That means Dr. Alison Clifford will likely chair RheumJeopardy in 2023 in Quebec City if the ASM Scientific Committee grants us a place on the agenda. Let’s hope so!

Philip A. Baer, MDCM, FRCPC, FACR
Editor-in-chief, CRAJ
Scarborough, Ontario


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