Winter 2021 (Volume 31, Number 4)
Pediatrics Committee News
By Ronald M. Laxer, MDCM, FRCPC
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The CRA Pediatrics Committee is a diverse and dynamic
group of 92 (and counting) pediatric rheumatologists,
trainees, and researchers. The Pediatrics
Executive Committee oversees the work of several subcommittees
including Human Resources (HR), Community
Rheumatology, Education, and Choosing Wisely.
These subcommittees have been very busy and productive
over the last year, producing a number of manuscripts,
guidance materials and educational offerings. Here’s a
snapshot of some of their incredible work:
- Publication of seven Choosing Wisely
recommendations for Pediatric Rheumatology,
developed by a working group under Nadia Luca’s
- The Education Subcommittee offered two accredited
National Grand Rounds webinars, and the CANAC1
steering committee offered two Canadian
Autoinflammatory Case Rounds Zoom presentations
for pediatric members and invited guests. Topics
for both offerings included JAK inhibitors featuring
Dr. Hermine Bruner, pediatric rheumatologist at
the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center;
Juvenile Myositis featuring Dr. Adam Huber, Pediatric
Rheumatologist at IWK Health Centre; Familial
Mediterranean Fever with Dr. Dilan Dissanayake,
Pediatric Rheumatologist from The Hospital for Sick
Children; and PFAPA2 with Dr. Herman Tam, Pediatric
Rheumatologist from Stollery Children's Hospital.
- The Community Rheumatology Subcommittee
continues to grow membership and introduced a
Journal Club.
- Herman Tam, Nadia Luca and others collaborated
with the Therapeutics and Guidelines Committees on
updating the COVID-19 Vaccination Decision Tool
to include guidance for pediatric patients.
- Annual HR surveys were sent to both academic and
community members to keep a finger on the pulse of
pediatric rheumatology in Canada.
- Uveitis Guidelines have been developed and will
likely be published by the time this article appears
in print. This was a collaborative effort with the CRA
Guidelines Committee and Ophthalmology colleagues,
led by Deb Levy and Bobbi Berard.
Ron Laxer is stepping down as Chair in 2022, and will
be replaced by Bobbi Berard, with Nadia Luca as Vice
Chair and Julie Barsalou as Secretary. Thank you to Deb
Levy, Past Chair who has made invaluable contributions
not only to the Pediatrics Committee but to the CRA at
large through her active engagement and leadership. The
Pediatrics Committee is in great hands going forward and
we’re excited for new and expanded initiatives in 2022!
1. CANAC: CANadian Autoinflammatory Case rounds
2. PFAPA: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, adenitis
Ronald M. Laxer, MDCM, FRCPC
Chair, CRA Pediatrics Committee
Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine,
University of Toronto
Staff Rheumatologist, The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario