
Summer 2021 (Volume 31, Number 2)

Regional News:
Updates from Ontario

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News from Northern Ontario

By Sahil Koppikar, MD, FRCPC

Rheumatology care in Northern Ontario continues to evolve. Drs. Saara Rawn and Matthew Piche have set up permanent practices in Sault Ste. Marie and had full clinics within a few weeks! Most importantly, Saara had a little boy named Matti in September 2020!

In Timmins, Drs. Laurence Rubin and Simon Carette have retired from the area after 30 years of providing outreach clinics. Their outstanding care and commitment to the region will surely be missed. We are lucky to have recruited Dr. Medha Soowamber to the Timmins program, and we will continue to provide clinics every three months in addition to virtual consults. Dr. Maysam Khalfan, after graduating from UBC Rheum in 2020 and returning to Ontario, has enthusiastically set up outreach clinics in Kapuskasing and Hearst, where he will visit several times a year.

Through the new ORA Northern Ontario committee, we are working to set up partnerships between interested rheumatologists and Advanced Clinical Practitioners in Arthritis Care (ACPACs) in Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario. We hope to leverage new virtual care skills that rheumatologists have developed over the pandemic to support northern remote and rural communities.

Hamilton Update

By Michelle Batthish, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Pediatric rheumatology in Hamilton has seen much growth in the past few years. Dr. Liane Heale was hired as the third pediatric rheumatologist in 2018, joining Drs. Batthish and Cellucci. Julie Herrington, an ACPAC-trained physiotherapist, is another welcome addition to our small but mighty group! Maddie Fyfe has also joined our team as a physiotherapist.

The pediatric rheumatology team has developed a new specialty clinic for children and adults with suspected autoinflammatory diseases in partnership with our allergy/ immunology colleagues. We have also expanded our Transition to Adult Rheumatology Care Program with twice monthly transition clinics. Our multi-disciplinary team works to improve self-management skills with our patients using validated tools, including the MyTransition App.

News from Kingston

By Mary Clements-Baker, MD, FRCPC

In Kingston, the third wave is certainly challenging us as we see overflow from the Greater Toronto Area. We welcome new rheumatologist Dr. Emma Tang, a recent U.S. graduate, originally from the Kingston area! We are proud to note that our division chief, Dr. Mala Joneja, is the director of Diversity and Equity for Queen’s Medical School. Dr. Tabitha Kung, and Dr. Tan Towheed and myself continue our Queen’s positions. Dr. Henry Averns provides community teaching for our residents. Dr. Roberta Schellenburg provides community care.
Dr. Anasstasiades is enjoying retirement but joins us for rounds. Here’s to getting together in person soon!

A distanced grad ceremony in June 2020, with a hockey stick basket to hand over diplomas along with a distanced hug.

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