Fall 2021 (Volume 31, Number 3)
Awards, Appointments, and Accolades
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Dr. Ahrari receiving her award from Madam Justice Sunni
Stromberg-Stein (left) and Dr. Raheem Kherani (right).
Azin Ahrari, MD, FRCPC – Howard B. Stein Award
It is with great pleasure that we introduce the inaugural recipient
of the Dr. Howard B. Stein Award, Dr. Azin Ahrari.
The Howard B. Stein Award for Leadership and Contribution to the
Program is presented to a graduating University of British Columbia
(UBC) adult rheumatology trainee for providing leadership,
dedication, and contribution to the rheumatology program.
Dr. Stein created the Division of Rheumatology at St. Paul’s Hospital
and served as the Division Head. He was well-known as a
consummate clinician and teacher.
Dr. Ahrari, a graduating trainee of the UBC’s Adult Rheumatology
Program and the recipient of this award, has shown leadership
as a chief resident of the UBC Rheumatology Program. She has
been recognized by her co-residents and faculty as a devoted
colleague and has demonstrated ongoing dedication and contribution
to the rheumatology training program.
Linda Hiraki, MD, FRCPC, ScD – Tier 2 Canada Research
Chair in Genetics of Rare Systemic Inflammatory Diseases
Congratulations to CRA member, Dr. Linda Hiraki, who was awarded a prestigious Tier 2 Canada
Research Chair in Genetics of Rare Systemic Inflammatory Diseases.
Tier 2 Chairs are recognized as exceptional emerging researchers, acknowledged by their peers
as having the potential to lead in their field.
Dr. Linda Hiraki is a pediatric rheumatologist in the Division of Rheumatology and a scientist in
the Genetics & Genome Biology Program at the Research Institute, SickKids. Dr. Hiraki’s research
program is focused on identifying genetic changes responsible for lupus, systemic inflammatory
diseases, associated symptoms and complications. Her research aims to increase knowledge
of the genetics of disease to support personalized care and improved health outcomes.
Robert D. Inman, MD, FRCPC, FACP, FRCP Edin –
Laurentian Rheumatology Roger Demers Award
I am honoured to be the recipient this year of the Roger Demers Award from the Laurentian
Conference of Rheumatology.
This annual conference began with a group of rheumatologists in 1947, and in 1965 evolved
with the creation of the Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology. For five consecutive years
the conference was held in the Laurentians, and after a five-year hiatus, was brought back
to life by Dr. Roger Demers in 1974 at Mont Tremblant Lodge. Since then the conference has
taken place every year without interruption and has earned a reputation as one of the premier
rheumatologic meetings in Canada. Dr. Roger Demers of the Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Montreal
was the “tenacious captain” of the meeting throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, and his personal
commitment was critical in ensuring a high-quality meeting each year. To honour Roger’s key
role, the Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology established an award in his name to recognize
“contributions to the international rheumatology community”.
The award also has personal significance for me since the first recipient of the Roger Demers
Award was Dr. Duncan Gordon. Duncan, who was a valued mentor and a close friend, is remembered
with affection by all, and embodied the best of Canadian Rheumatology.
Robert D. Inman is the Co-Director of the Schroeder Arthritis Institute and Deputy Physician in Chief
of Research at the University Health Network. He is also a Professor of Medicine and Immunology at
the University of Toronto.
The CRAJ would like to recognize the contributions of its readers to the medical field and their local
communities. To have any such awards, appointments, or accolades announced in an upcoming
issue, please send recipient names, pertinent details, and a brief account of these honours to
JyotiP@sta.ca. Picture submissions are greatly encouraged.