
Winter 2020 (Volume 30, Number 4)

Update from the Guidelines Committee

By Glen Hazlewood, MD, FRCPC

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Over the past year, the Guidelines Committee has continued to work towards developing and updating CRA treatment recommendations, driven by our membership.

Highlights in the past year include:

  • The JIA-Uveitis group, led by Drs. Bobbi Berard and Deb Levy, met over the summer to develop CRA treatment recommendations, adapting those from other organizations to a Canadian context. The Zoom meetings went well, with excellent engagement from the panel. Guidelines are now being written and should be published in early 2021.
  • Recommendations for rheumatoid arthritis are underway, with the guideline panel meeting monthly to vote on recommendations, which will be published in a ‘living’ fashion, starting in early 2021.
  • Spondyloarthritis Guidelines, led by Dr. Sherry Rohekar, are ongoing, with plans to also use an adapt/adopt approach from other guidelines, with updated literature searches.
  • Our ongoing equity initiative, led by Dr. Cheryl Barnabe, has led to a draft Equity Framework, which will be incorporated into CRA Guidelines, starting in 2021.
  • We have continued to foster and build relationships with other international rheumatology and guidelines associations to harmonize efforts, including Cochrane, GRADE, ACR and the Australian Rheumatology Association.

Thank you to everyone for their hard work over the past year, despite the challenging times. I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re looking forward to 2021!

Glen Hazlewood, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor,
Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences,
Cumming School of Medicine,
University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta

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