
Fall 2020 (Volume 30, Number 3)

Building Bridges

By Dr. Arthur Bookman, CRA President, 2002-2004

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I was the president of the CRA from 2002-2004. I worked with my predecessor Dianne Mosher the previous year to establish a new relationship with the Arthritis Society (TAS) and create a Medical and Scientific Advisory Council that would recognize rheumatologists and the CRA in leadership advisory roles for the treatment of arthritis. After stepping down from my presidency, I became the inaugural Chair of the Medical Advisory Council (MAC) and Medical Advisor to TAS.

As CRA President, I initiated discussions with the Canadian Pediatric Rheumatology Association to facilitate their merger with the CRA in a manner that would guarantee their autonomy and financial health. I initiated the first discussions with the Mexican Rheumatology Association, which my colleague Michel Zummer brought to fruition in the form of a combined Mexican-Canadian Rheumatology Meeting in Acapulco in 2006. I was involved in the first application of Rx&D rules to our scientific meeting, the creation of certificates which we handed out to all previous CRA Presidents in 2003 at our Annual Meeting, and the creation of the posters honouring award winners to be displayed at our Annual Meetings.

My presidency was a lifetime highlight for me. I made many wonderful friends through the CRA and expanded my network of colleagues across the country.

In Mexico during winter 2003 to arrange a conjoint Mexican- Canadian Meeting. From left to right: Dr. Arthur Bookman, Sandra Zummer, Ann Bookman, and Dr. Michel Zummer.

At the 2008 Annual Meeting. From left to right: Drs. Michel Zummer, Anthony Russell, Gunnar Kraag, John Esdaile and Simon Carette.

Dr. Bookman at the Mayan Ruins in Mexico while scouting activities for the CRA-Mexican conference.

CRA Past-Presidents at the diploma presentation at the Annual Banquet in 2003. From left to right: Drs. Paul Davis, André Lussier, Manfred Harth, Anthony Russell, Dianne Mosher, Barry Koehler, Simon Carette, Joseph Houpt, Jean-Luc Senécal, and Arthur Bookman.

Arthur Bookman, MD, FRCPC
Coordinator, Multidisciplinary Sjogren’s Clinic
University Health Network
Associate Professor of Medicine,
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario


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