Fall 2019 (Volume 29, Number 3)
Update From Nova Scotia
By Dr. Volodko Bakowsky
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Dr. Trudy Taylor stepped down after more
than five years as our post-graduate residency
program director, after having steered the program
through a successful Royal College accreditation.
Dr. Elana Murphy has ably taken
over the new role. Under her stewardship, we
are navigating knee-deep through entrustable
professional activities (EPAs) and the other
changes required of us by Competency by Design
(CBD). Any perturbations to our training
program from this process are being buffered
by the two new outstanding residents who
started our program in July, Drs. Alex Legge
and Julie Mongeau.
Dr. Janet Roberts has taken a full-time position
with us as of last August. She is originally from
the east coast and has returned after training
in Edmonton. She has been a delightful addition
to our division.
We have a need for more rheumatologists
working in the community. Please feel free to
contact me if you are interested.
Our summer was late arriving, but has been
fabulous since. People were out enjoying sunshine,
beaches and cool ocean swims.
Enjoy the fall!
New Dalhousie Residents: Dr. Julie Mongeau (left) and Dr. Alex Legge (right).
Dr. Janet Roberts at The Arthritis Centre of Nova Scotia.