Fall 2019 (Volume 29, Number 3)
Learning From Teaching: CRA ASM
Peer Feedback and Workshop Audits
By Raheem B. Kherani, BSc (Pharm), MD, FRCPC, MHPE; Gregory Choy, MD, FRCPC; Roberta Berard, MD, FRCPC; and Tom Appleton, MD, PhD, FRCPC
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Have you been a speaker? Have you been a speaker at the CRA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)? Have you wondered how you did? Would you like feedback? We know that peer feedback is valued by all of us. Trying to improve our takeaway messages, collaboration and interaction with our teaching can be extremely helpful. Feedback from colleagues can enable us to assess our impact.1
The CRA is a Royal College-accredited provider of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and has continued to improve the rigour of the delivery of education.2 CPD is largely delivered to our membership through the Annual Scientific Meeting, and the CRA has taken key steps in providing peer observation, and developing workshop audits for our members and external speakers who present to our membership at the ASM since 2017. This year, our CPD offering has expanded considerably, with new additions to CRA programming including the CRA Review Course and Arthritis Society – CRA Research Day.
ASM speakers and workshop presenters have had an opportunity to receive feedback on their presentations, helping them identify both their strengths and areas in which they may want to make some changes. Examples of feedback provided related to the opening of the session, presentation quality, use of presentation tools, conclusions, engagement, balance and bias, as well as specific comments for the presenter. Independent workshop audits are required for accreditation and help to ensure that interactivity standards are achieved.
At the 2019 CRA ASM in Montreal, physician volunteers from the Education Committee and the Annual Scientific Meeting Program Committee, provided peer-to-peer assessment. There were 22 reviews of speakers and 14 reviews of workshops. These consistently demonstrated that the speakers and workshops were achieving a high level of excellence. Our esteemed 2019 Dunlop-Dottridge Lecturer, Dr. Gilles Boire, commented that he was certainly looking forward to this peer observation. In follow-up, he stated that ”it is very good to receive feedback, as we do not know the audience’s thoughts. In a way, it may be frustrating without good feedback. Supportive feedback helps with the next presentation.”
Given the significant positive feedback from presenters, peer observers and workshop auditors, the CRA Education Committee and Annual Scientific Meeting continue to plan to have these available, including during the upcoming 2020 meeting in Victoria. Thank you to all of our volunteers and staff who facilitate these programs. The CRA has an ongoing commitment to providing high quality professional education. If you have questions or would like more information about participating in this activity, please contact Claire McGowan at cmcgowan@rheum.ca.
Attendees of the CRA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2019
watch a presentation at the Fairmont Hotel in Montreal.
1. The Evolution of a Culture Shift in Continuing Professional Development. Available at https://csim.ca/wp-content/uploads/documents/meeting2014/presentations/Oct%202%200835%20Evolution%20of%20Cultural%20Shift.pdf. Accessed 28 August, 2019.
2. Houlden RL, Collier CP. Evaluation of Continuing Professional Development Group Activities. Available at http://www.royalcollege.ca/rcsite/documents/continuing-professional-development/evaluation-of-continuing-professional-development-group-activities-e. Accessed 28 August, 2019.