Winter (Volume 28, Number 4)
News from SOAR
By Trudy Taylor, MD, FRCPC
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A strong contingent of rheumatologists from across
the Maritime provinces descended on Dalvay by the
Sea on Prince Edward Island for the 35th annual
meeting of the Society of Atlantic Rheumatologists (SOAR)
from June 22-24, 2018. The meeting was a great venue for
rejuvenation of the mind and spirit, while spending some
much-needed time with colleagues and family.
This year’s David Hawkins Lecture in Rheumatology, “Mortality
in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Have We Made Any Headway? ”
was given by Dr. Diane Lacaille, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, from the
University of British Columbia. She followed this up with a
thought-provoking lecture on “Comorbidities in RA.”
Our second expert lecturer was Dr. Rebecca Manno, MD,
MHS, from John Hopkins University, Baltimore. She gave us
two excellent talks, “Large Vessel Vasculitis” and “Cutaneous Vasculitis.”
In a break from tradition, we welcomed Dr. Mark Gilbert,
PhD, Medical Humanities-(HEALS) Program from the Faculty
of Medicine at Dalhousie University to our meeting
this year. He enlightened us on the use of visual arts in
medicine and made some great ties between the visual arts
and the field of rheumatology.
Finally, there were original research and interesting case
presentations from our bright and talented rheumatologists-to-be. We are very fortunate to have such promising
talent in our region!
After their inaugural appearance at the 2017 SOAR meeting,
The Big Country Ramblers were back by popular demand
to get the group tapping their toes and moving to the
rhythm of their rich bluegrass tunes. Rumor has it there
was even a Bosnian Circle Dance performed. Now the unofficial
band of SOAR, we are looking forward to having them
join us again next year!
SOAR members loved the venue so much that we unanimously
decided to return to Dalvay by the Sea next year for
the annual meeting from June 21-23, 2019. Save the date!
The 35th annual SOAR meeting took place from June 22-24, 2018, at Dalvay by the Sea on Prince Edward Island.
Dr. Diane Lacaille (left) and Dr. Rebecca Manno (right) were guest speakers at the meeting.
Trudy Taylor, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor,
Division of Rheumatology
Department of Medicine
Division of Medical Education,
Halifax, Nova Scotia