Winter (Volume 28, Number 4)
Update from the Communications Committee
By Dax G. Rumsey, MD, FRCP(C)
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Hello to all you out there in CRA Land!
The CRA Communications Committee has an exciting
year ahead for 2019! Our mandate is to facilitate
optimal and fluid communications between the CRA
and its members, amongst members, and between the CRA
and various stakeholders, including industry, allied health
professionals, patients and families, and the general public.
Exciting news for this coming year is that we have a new
dedicated Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator,
Kevin Baijnauth! Kevin will work closely with our committee
to help us more effectively co-ordinate and deliver the
communications plan for the CRA!
In line with the 2019 CRA Board’s priorities for our committee,
some of our goals for 2019 include:
- Improve the CRA’s Social Media Presence (i.e. through
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms).
- Develop CRA-endorsed podcasts with content of
interest to our members.
- Complete our CRA History project!
- Identify CRA members from each region of Canada
(West, Central, East) to respond to media requests (and
offer training).
- Support Effective Communication/Collaboration
Amongst Community Rheumatologists!
- Continue the Who's In The Rheum? Column and
establish Accounting and Board of Directors Columns
in the CRA Newsletter!
We are a small but vibrant and engaged committee and
invite others to join the fun!
Dax G. Rumsey, MD, FRCP(C)
Chair, CRA Communications Committee
Pediatric Rheumatologist and Assistant Professor
Stollery Children’s Hospital and University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta