Winter (Volume 28, Number 4)
News from the Education Committee
By Raheem B. Kherani, BSc (Pharm), MD, FRCPC, MHPE
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The education committee has undergone renewal with
the development of four key subcommittees to help
better represent one of the CRA’s key pillars – education
(with care and research). This includes Continuing
Professional Development (CPD), postgraduate medical education
and undergraduate medical education along with
the Canadian Rheumatology Education and Learning program
(CanREAL) to help foster scholarly work in rheumatology
education. These four arms are led by subcommittee
co-chairs (Drs. Gregory Choy, Christopher Penney, Marie
Clements-Baker, Michelle Jung, Lori Albert, Robert Ferrari,
Mercedes Chan, and Sue Humphrey-Murto). They have
all committed to this change in structure to help serve the
needs of our association. Of course, this has all been enhanced
by our excellent CRA staff.
Continuing to help support and collaborate with the Annual
Scientific Meeting Committee in fostering high-calibre,
peer-assessed education for our membership has been
a priority. Self-accrediting this important member activity
enables and encourages us all to maintain this high standard.
In addition to a focus on CPD, there has been additional
CanREAL input, with their scholarly medical education
Undergraduate medical education has been looking
at the feasibility and potential development of a national
rheumatology curriculum and/or learning objectives. The
first steps are to collaborate with members across the country
to evaluate this, and then assess the feasibility of moving
Postgraduate medical education has members engaged
with spreading the word about Competence By Design
(CBD), the Royal College implementation of competency-
based medical education. This will be upon us – nationwide
– in July 2019! Schools across the country are gearing
up to assist community-based and university-based faculty
to learn about this. Postgraduate medical education also
hopes to ensure that members of our association are versed
in this.
With the January 31, 2019, Royal College Maintenance
of Certification deadline looming, I encourage members to
revisit the series previously published in the CRAJ, “CPD for
the Busy Rheumatologist” in the Summer 2017, Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 issues (available at, for tips on how
to complete the requirements for your certification cycle.
CRA Education Committee discussions with the CRA CEO, Dr. Ahmad Zbib.
RCPSC Specialty Committee in Rheumatology members with the CRA CEO,
Dr. Ahmad Zbib.
Raheem B. Kherani, BSc (Pharm), MD, FRCPC, MHPE
CRA Education Committee Chair,
Clinical Associate Professor,
University of British Columbia
Rheumatology Lead,
GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia
West Coast Rheumatology Associates
Richmond, British Columbia