
Summer 2018 (Volume 28, Number 2)

News from Saskatchewan

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Update from Dr. Regan Arendse

2018 has been an eventful year for the rheumatologists in Saskatchewan. We are excited to have recruited Dr. Myat Tun Lin Nyo in July 2017 from South Africa. Dr. Nyo brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise in musculoskeletal ultrasound. He has joined Dr. Regan Arendse in the newly formed Community Rheumatology Care clinic in downtown Saskatoon. Dr. Dale Peffer is a family physician who does sessional work with Drs. Nyo and Arendse and provides counselling on the use of biologic and disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapies for inflammatory disease in the practice. He also undertakes minor surgical procedures including skin punch biopsies. The Community Rheumatology Care clinic eagerly awaits the arrival of the soon-to-be qualified rheumatologist Dr. Richard Tse in July 2018 who will add to rheumatology capacity in the province.

Regan Arendse, MD, FRCPC

Update from Dr. Bindu Nair

Our grand rounds are now a provincial affair with videoconferencing connecting us (ten rheumatologists in Saskatoon and three rheumatologists in Regina) on a weekly basis to discuss educational, clinical and research topics. Videoconferencing also allows us to meet as a provincial group for quarterly business meetings, which are led by Dr. Regina Taylor-Gjevre, Head of Rheumatology of the Saskatoon Division.

On May 5, Dr. Latha Naik chaired the Rheumatologists of Saskatchewan (ROS) meeting and we were pleased to have Dr. David Robinson from Manitoba provide the keynote talk. New undergraduate educational initiatives were introduced and rated highly satisfactory by medical students including a Joint Injection Workshop hosted by Dr. Regina Taylor-Gjevre and Dr. Bindu Nair in Saskatoon, and Dr. Nicole Fahlman and Dr. Ardyth Milne in Regina.

Bindu Nair, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Dr. Tun Nyo (middle) and his colleagues discuss an ultrasound.


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