
Spring 2018 (Volume 28, Number 1)

About the Arthritis Alliance of Canada

By Vandana Ahluwalia, MD, FRCPC; Dianne Mosher, MD, FRCPC; and Michel Zummer, MD, FRCPC

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Arthritis directly affects the lives of 6 million Canadians and is the leading cause of workplace disability. From the young to the elderly, one in eight Canadians is forced to live with one, or more, of the 100 different types of arthritic conditions. It is estimated that by the year 2040, one in four Canadian lives will be affected by arthritis.

The Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC) was formed in 2002 to improve the lives of Canadians with arthritis. The AAC brings together arthritis healthcare professionals, researchers, funding agencies, governments, voluntary sector agencies, industry and–most importantly–representatives from arthritis patient organizations from across Canada.

Through consultations with a national network, the AAC has designed and developed a Models of Care framework, with practical clinical tools that can be used by clinicians in their daily practice. Our work has included six specific initiatives over the past five years:

We invite you to learn more about the positive results of our efforts in the “Models of Care in Action” section of this issue. We believe these successes and best practices need to be expanded and implemented across Canada. This will help to ensure that Canadians affected by arthritis receive a timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment so they can remain productive members of their families and communities. Our ultimate goal is to improve the lives of Canadians living with arthritis.

Dr. Vandana Ahluwalia, former Corporate Chief of Rheumatology,
William Osler Health System, Brampton, ON

Dr. Dianne Mosher, Professor of Medicine, Division Head,
Rheumatology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB

Dr. Michel Zummer, Associate Professor, Université de Montréal;
Rheumatologist, CH Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montréal, QC

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