
Summer 2016 (Volume 26, Number 2)

Snippets & Snapshots from Quebec

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Laëtitia Michou @drlaëtitiamichou
The rheumatology division of Université Laval is proud to announce that Dr. Laëtitia Michou is succeeding Dr. Jacques Brown as Head of the rheumatology division of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec (CHUQ). Dr. Louis Bessette also succeeds Dr. Jacques Brown as Chief of the rheumatology department of CHU de Québec-Université Laval. Beginning in July 2016, administration of Université Laval’s rheumatology program will be assumed by Dr. Zeineb Mahjoub of Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis, who will be assisted in her duties by Dr. Anne-Laure Chetaille of CHU de Québec-Université Laval.



Mark Hazeltine @drmarkhazeltine
Laval is one of the first cities to use, on a daily basis, the model of care developed by the Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC). The program is called “PARLER” (Programme d’accès rapide de lavallois en rhumatologie or Laval rapid-access rheumatology program). Since its inception, the team has grown to three rheumatologists, a clinical nurse, and a physiotherapist. The nurse is responsible for patient instruction and infusions. For her part, the physiotherapist is actively involved in patient follow-up, conducting the initial assessment. We are proud of our achievements!




Christian Pineau @drchristianpineau
The McGill University rheumatology division continues its tradition of excellence. In addition to our prolific basic and epidemiology research initiatives, we are continuing to develop our highly specialized multi-disciplinary clinics in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), vasculitis, scleroderma, myositis, YARD, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondyloarthritis (SpA), musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-US), and reproductive issues in rheumatology. We are also proud of our training program, with six residents in core rheumatology, and with fellowship programs in scleroderma, SLE, and vasculitis.

Paul Fortin & Nathalie Amiable @drpaulfortin @drnathalieamiable
The study of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARD) in a clinical context is often limited by the lack of biospecimens supplemented by relevant longitudinal clinical information. Dr. Paul R. Fortin of the CHU du Québec-Université Laval recently set up a clinical database associated with a SARD bio-database that compensates for the infrastructure shortfall for this type of research. To date, this unique research program has made it possible to initiate a number of collaborative endeavours with the laboratories of the CHUL pavilion of the research centre of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval and to generate many very promising results. This integrated clinical platform combines a multidimensional/transdisciplinary approach and a patient-centred approach in a single tool.

Alexandra Albert @dralexandraalbert
Our team is very pleased to announce the arrival of three new rheumatologists at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval: Dr. Alena Ikic, a specialist in scleroderma and capillaroscopy, Dr. Marie-Claude Audet, a specialist in bone diseases and fall prevention, and Dr. Jean-Philippe Proulx-Gauthier who, in addition to a specialty in pediatric rheumatology, practices MSK sonography. We are extremely fortunate to now have nine adult rheumatologists and two pediatric rheumatologists on staff. Our rheumatology department is actively recruiting rheumatologists to fill the remaining vacant positions.


#newrecruits #CHUdeQuébecUniversitéLaval
