
Summer 2016 (Volume 26, Number 2)

Passing the Torch:
A Presidential Address

By Joanne Homik, MD, FRCPC; and
Cory Baillie, MD, FRCPC

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2016 finds us saying goodbye to our current CRA president and welcoming in a new one. Dr. Cory Baillie has served the CRA in many capacities including Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President, and then President. I asked Cory to reflect on the last two years; during his tenure as President, he has spearheaded the re-organization of the CRA Board, more clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of board members, staff, and volunteers.

The CRA has a new focus on membership engagement and responsiveness to change. Our Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) enjoys continued success and aims to fulfill the widespread needs of our members. The CRA has brought several initiatives under our umbrella, including the National Rheumatology Resident Weekend (NRRW) and Future Leaders in Rheumatology (FLIRT). There has been renewed energy focused towards activities to both measure (Stand Up and Be Counted) and increase the numbers of (Training the Rheumatologists of Tomorrow) practicing rheumatologists.

The organization remains financially strong. We have been able to expand the CIORA granting program and to support the efforts of the Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC). Our investment in the Journal of Rheumatology (JRheum) has proved sound both academically and financially, as this will soon pay dividends to the CRA.


Dr. Cory Baillie and Dr. Joanne Homik: Past and President.

Dr. Joanne Homik is stepping in as the new CRA president. As Dr. Dianne Mosher likes to remind everyone, Joanne is only the second female CRA president in its history. Joanne has served the CRA in the past as Vice President, Scientific Chair, and as CRA liaison with The Arthritis Society.

The goals for the next two years include hosting a successful meeting with the Mexican College of Rheumatology (MCR) and Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology (PANLAR) in 2018, maintaining the financial health of the organization, as well as planning for the future revenue stream of JRheum dividends. At the board level, the CRA will continue to explore ways to support the success of our members through continued membership engagement. Aside from the usual planning for the upcoming year, this year’s CRA board and committee chair retreat will include a session on exploring ethical behavior and avoiding conflict of interest for the organization. We look forward to continued strong partnerships with our fellow arthritis stakeholders, including The Arthritis Society, the AAC, and the Arthritis Health Professions Association (AHPA).

Joanne Homik, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Canadian Rheumatology Association
Associate Professor of Medicine,
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Cory Baillie, MD, FRCPC 
Canadian Rheumatology Association
Assistant Professor,
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
