
Summer 2016 (Volume 26, Number 2)


By Philip A. Baer, MDCM, FRCPC, FACR

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Over 100 keen contestants participated in the inaugural CRA RheumJeopardy competition on the afternoon of February 19th in Lake Louise.

Pride was on the line for the two teams, “Dr. Geezer” versus “Dr. Young”, with a dividing line at age 45. Team captains, both from Alberta, were Dr. Marv Fritzler and Dr. Dax Rumsey, who arrived wearing a backwards baseball cap and shorts. Heckling commenced immediately. I had the pleasure of moderating the event and creating most of the questions, with contributions from Dr. Shirley Chow (Choosing Wisely Canada category) and from Dr. Ron Laxer and Dr. Deb Levy (Legends of Pediatric Rheumatology category). Dr. Christopher Penney acted as scorekeeper, closely monitored by the audience given his allegiance to the Geezer team. Dr. Evelyn Sutton chaired the event. We took advantage of technology to allow everyone to vote on each question, transforming the event into a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG).


Questions covered topics such as the secretome, CRA award winners, scandals in rheumatology, and rheumatologists who knit (Dr. Joanne Homik) or suffer from motion sickness (Dr. Ed Keystone). Very few questions stumped both teams. Going into Final Jeopardy, the Young team led the Geezers in a tight contest. Wisely, both teams wagered their entire score on a single question on the topic of “Where’s Waldo?” With the correct answer of Dr. John Thomson being the top choice of both teams, the Dr. Young team prevailed over the Dr. Geezer team by a score of 15,600 to 13,800. Well played by all!

Depending on the evaluations and popular demand, RheumJeopardy may return at CRA 2017 in Ottawa. Personally, I certainly hope so.

Philip A. Baer, MDCM, FRCPC, FACR
Editor-in-chief, CRAJ
Scarborough, Ontario


Double Jeopardy.
