
Winter 2015 (Volume 25, Number 4)

Abstract Committee:
Reviews & Reports

By Maggie Larché, MBChB, MRCP(UK), PhD

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As chair of the Abstract Committee, I have been working with Virginia Hopkins and Christine Charnock on streamlining the submission and review process.

Having adapted the score sheet to be more in line with the CIORA review process, we now have a 10-point scale for several questions pertaining to factors such as hypothesis, design, methods, results, and conclusions. With an increase in the number of abstract reviewers, we are able to have two or three reviewers assessing each abstract. This allows for more rigorous assessment of each abstract and will enable enhanced selection of podium presentations and prize-winners.


For the 2015 meeting we had 255 abstracts to review. This year, we have had 277 abstracts submitted, the best of which will be considered for one of 11 potential prizes, of which four are specifically aimed at young faculty—Basic Science, Clinical Research, Epidemiology/Health Services Research (especially cohorts), and Pediatric. Other prize categories are:

• Best Abstract on Clinical or Epidemiology Research by a Trainee: Phil Rosen Award
• Best Abstract on SLE Research by a Trainee: Ian Watson Award
• Best Abstract on Basic Science Research by a Trainee
• Best Abstract on Research by a Rheumatology Resident
• Best Abstract on Research by an Undergraduate Student
• Best Abstract by a Medical Student
• Best Abstract by a Post-Graduate Resident

Based on high scores, abstracts will be selected for podium presentations. We are looking forward to an interactive poster session, with wine and cheese, and cutting-edge podium presentations.

For more informations on these awards, and others, please visit

Maggie Larché, MBChB, MRCP(UK), PhD
Associate Professor,
Division of Rheumatology,
Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics
Staff Rheumatologist,
St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
