Spring 2015 (Volume 25, Number 1)
Snippets & Snapshots of BC
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Jason Kur @drjasonkur
Artus Health Centre, Western Canada’s largest group of rheumatologists has moved into new world class facilities near Vancouver General Hospital.
#ARTUS #Vancouver
Michelle Teo @drmichelleteo
The Kelowna group has been busy not only with patient care but with training medical students, internal medicine and rheumatology residents. Rheumatology nurses continue to be vital to the care of our inflammatory arthritis patients.
Robert Offer
The future looks bright for Fraser South. A recent environmental scan commissioned by TAS pointed out the need to restructure the delivery of arthritis care in BC; Surrey was top of the Missing in Action list. Any solution would be impossible without the critical element, rheumatology manpower, being addressed. As it appears that over the next year we will acquire three more rheumatologists, locating in Surrey, White Rock, and Abbotsford and with two of these speaking Punjabi, even the astrologers will agree that the stars are aligned.
Kim Northcott @drkimnorthcott
There are currently six rheumatologists (five adult, one pediatric) serving the Capital Region of Victoria. With the accumulation of three rheumatologists in Nanaimo, our patient population base north of the central island has been gratefully offset. #Victoria #WestIsBest
Robert Offer
In BC there are large geographic areas void of rheumatology services, hence the importance of the Travelling Consultation Service (TCS), which supports rheumatologists doing outreach several times per year in many remote areas.
Jason Kur @drjasonkur
Doctors of BC negotiate a new five-year contract with the Province. Work will begin in 2015 on new specialist initiatives in rheumatology.
Michelle Teo @drmichelleteo
Dr. Jacquie Stewart has started an outreach rheumatology clinic in Princeton. In conjunction with UBC Okanagan, Penticton is about to begin a multidisciplinary research study for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Dr. Anick Godin and Dr. Teo have come back from maternity leave; not sure which is busier, rheumatology clinics or taking care of little ones!
#OkanaganRheums Dr. Godin, Michelle Jung (R5), Dr. Seigel, Dr. McLeod, Dr. Stewart,
Dr. Shojania
Jason Kur @drjasonkur
The doctors at Artus Health Centre once again organize the well-attended and much appreciated BRIESE conference featuring Dr. Cem Gabay, Dr. Christian Pagnoux, Dr. Rick Adachi, and Dr. Marvin Fritzler. #BRIESE #DrWade #DrGabay