Fall 2015 (Volume 25, Number 3)
What Lies Ahead?
By Christine Charnock, CEO
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This issue, the CRA surveyed members on their thoughts about retirement: what plans lie ahead for the future, and what roles they may take on once active practice or research winds down.
Of the 162 members surveyed, 54 shared their thoughts. Three-quarters (74%) of respondents reported that they have given thought to their retirement, with an additional 17% noting they have given a bit, but not much, thought to life post-rheumatology.
The patient community in Canada would no doubt be pleased to know that phasing out of practice gradually was the most likely plan for many rheumatologists (64%), and remaining in part-time practice (42%) is also a common sentiment. A quarter of respondents see themselves staying active in many other ways, including continued medical involvement in some capacity or another (Table 1). The diversity of post-practice plans was impressive to note; the future of Canadian rheumatology looks bright if this is
the direction we are headed!
Whether a little (27%), moderately (40%), or a lot (25%), respondents will miss rheumatology practice as it winds down. Numerous aspects of practice will be missed (Table 2), highlighting the devotion to the field that our members share. The sense of accomplishment associated with the medical needs and challenges you face ranked highly (69%) among what will be missed, along with patients (79%),
colleagues (66%), and collaboration opportunities (47%).
The CRA is always open to your feedback on what it can offer to help support the transition to retirement; common topics of interest cited included employment opportunities (locums, part-time teaching, shared practice), shutting down a practice, and legal/logistical issues of record storage.
To those worried this survey is a call to “put you out to pasture;” not at all! The aim of the CRA is to support your transitions when and as they occur. If you have questions or suggestions on how better we can support you, please
contact Claire McGowan at claire@rheum.ca.
Christine Charnock, CEO |