
Winter 2014 (Volume 24, Number 4)

The AMRQ: Turbulent Times in Quebec…

By Frederic Morin, MD

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As I write these lines, the climate between medical specialists and the Quebec government is unsettled at best. Imposed negotiations are under way to reopen the 2010-2015 agreement. Having taken a firm stand on returning to a balanced budget, the government, it seems, expects medical specialists to cooperate. Will we succeed in finding common ground or will the heavy hand of a special law be brought to bear on us? By the time you read these lines, you will know the answer...

For the Association des médecins rhumatologues du Québec (AMRQ), this turn of events threatens years of hard work to build a solid and relevant economic foundation for Quebec’s rheumatologists. We are determined to fight to keep these gains in the hope that they can serve as leverage for other provincial associations in the upcoming rounds of negotiations.

Happily the charm and appeal of rheumatology far outweigh economic concerns. In the past eight years, our workforce has grown more than 40%, and our training programs for rheumatologists are moving ahead at full speed. In October 2013, I enthusiastically assumed the role of association president, a role that my distinguished colleague Dr. Denis Choquette filled with such panache for five years. We are all grateful for his dedication and achievements. Thank you, Denis!

At the AMRQ, the suggestion box is always open and we are currently working on a promising project for all Canadian rheumatologists aimed at organizing and optimizing rheumatology practice. This is a long-term project, but results need to be achieved quickly. An efficient and organized practice will ensure a modern and rewarding environment for rheumatologists.

I invite you to visit our website for a look at what we are up to:, and practice your French a little!

Frédéric Morin, MD
Association des médecins rhumatologues du Québec
Montreal, Quebec

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