Winter 2013 (Volume 23, Number 4)
Awards, Appointments, Accolades
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Everyone recognizes Dr. Carter Thorne’s exceptional contributions to the field of rheumatology. In addition to his own work as a respected rheumatologist and researcher, his work with the CRA has given Dr. Thorne the opportunity to support high standards for clinical and research practice, to build bridges and partnerships within the arthritis community, to champion development of the profession, and to raise awareness of the disease and of the expert role rheumatologists play in its management.
Dr. Diane Thériault is known to everyone at Osteoporosis Canada (OC) as a volunteer par excellence, with boundless energy and enthusiasm, and a selfless passion and commitment to OC that is unrivalled. She has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Council since 2005 and is National Co-Chair of the Advocacy Committee. She was instrumental in developing and launching Towards a Fracture-Free Future, a key document in OC’s commitment to achieving its vision of a Canada without osteoporotic fractures.
A retired Canadian diplomat and leading arthritis consumer advocate,
Mr. Gordon Whitehead is active in volunteer work and arthritis advocacy.
He served with Patient Partners in Arthritis, an organization that then did demonstrations of musculoskeletal examinations to health care providers. He has since become a member of the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA), a Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) Member, and served as the Co-Chair of the Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC). He believes strongly that we Canadians have both the collective will and the capacity to make the Canadian healthcare system the best and most responsive in the world for persons afflicted with arthritis and other chronic conditions.
The Jonas Salk Award is presented annually to a Canadian scientist or physician who has made a new and outstanding contribution in science or medicine to prevent, alleviate, or eliminate a physical disability. This lifetime achievement award is presented jointly by Sanofi Pasteur and March of Dimes. The 2013 recipient was Dr. John M. Esdaile, Scientific Director of the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada (ARC), and Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. For more than 60 years, the March of Dimes has been on the forefront of the disability movement, dedicated to helping Canadians with disabilities lead more independent and empowered lives. It serves more than 50,000 children and adults each year and is committed to creating a society inclusive of people with physical disabilities. |